Environmental Exchange

Pressing needs for infrastructural modernisation – particularly renewable forms – set against banks’ reduced lending capacity, has created disharmony between the intent and delivery of these projects. The building program creates a ‘marketplace’, marrying 3 principle parties: investors, project mandators, and intermediaries, thereby creating a discursive and transactional environment towards alternative investment models, fostering an emerging market of privately-funded infrastructure, and the delivery of these highly complex projects. Set on the long-disused Bishopsgate Goodsyard on fringes of The City, it is symbolically removed but decidedly still attached to existing infrastructures of the sprawling financial markets. The timber monocoque proposes a new high-rise corporate architecture typology both materially and structurally, particularly in light of the City’s impending expansion.

Natural Occurences

Geoffrey Mann of Studio Mrmann is a Royal College of Art graduate and Scottish artist & designer with a fascination for materialising ephemeral and temporary phenomena. Using a variety of digital technologies he has captured light, sound and movement and displayed them in otherwise unperceivable apparitions.

Top to Bottom: Attracted To The Light, Blown and Shine

Situ Solar

[top to bottom: Solar Pavillion1, 2 and 3]

Situ Studio is a New York-based design practice that engages in experimental work and material investigations and maintains a parallel operation as as a digital fabrication and design consultancy.

The Solar Pavillions are series of pavilions designed by Situ Studio that ‘explore indeterminate construction systems that are shaped by sustainable building pratices…to create a set of parts that are easy to assemble through a set of localised construction rules. The flexible structural logic allows for a wide range of configurations…Manufactured with a zero-waste mandate, these designs explore methods for producing reconfigurable temporary structures at a low cost and low environmental impact’
