Mixpinski’s Myriad

In mathematics a fractal is an abstract object used to describe and simulate naturally occurring objects. Artificially created fractals commonly exhibit similar patterns at increasingly small scales. It is also known as expanding symmetry or evolving symmetry.  Mandelbulb 3D allows us to explore fractals in 3D, creating a seamless amalgamation of maths, art and science.

Understanding how this geometry can become infinite and how it can be built within the constraints of the physical reality was part of the philosophy of my piece.

Mandelbulb 3d fractals:


161117 FRACTAL sheet 1

From these specific chosen 3d Fractals I noticed a clear correlation with the natural formation of crystalline structures, in particular Hopper crystals.

Hopper crystals form when there is more rapid growth at the outer edges of a face than at the centre. This results in what appears to be a hollowed out step lattice formation, as if someone had removed interior sections of the individual crystals. This missing part was never actually developed as the crystals grow so rapidly that there is never time for this to be developed. Hopper crystals are very similar to the cubic halite skeletal crystals formed from extreme supersaturation in salt lakes existing in nature. Hopper crystals can be found in rose quartz, gold, calcite, bismuth, salt and ice. I looked at the growth of these crystals to better understand the structural qualities.

Hopper Crystal Formation:

161117 FRACTAL sheet 3.1

From looking at the crystalline structure it became apparent that the connection between the tapered levels was very important to the structure and adaptability of the proposal. The versatility of this connection allows for flexibility and movement within the module. The connector can be placed on any material simply by adapting the end nodes width to factor for the material depth. By creating this modular junction I can join all the stepped timber elements of the proposal in such a way that they are all supporting each other.

Connection options:

161117 FRACTAL sheet 2

Hopper crystal growth is never as predicted due to outside influences such as movement and temperature change. These influences creates the beautiful images we see of their crystalline forms and without these the fractal crystal growth would be predictable and simplistic. It is with these outside interactions that the crystals have their own idiosyncrasies. By combining the hopper crystal growth with the organic forms created with the 3d fractal generator, I created a pavilion proposal. Using a stepped form and the junction designed above I could use the unpredictable growth lines to create an interesting pavilion which can be experienced in the same way that crystals would grow, naturally and not within their algorithmic form. Nature does not always conform to predictability. The pavilion expresses this individuality and in turn expresses the way in which we grow as individuals, adapting to our environments and moulded by our experiences.

This project is a physical exploration of crystal formation centred around the theme of fractals. It aims to combine one joint in order to create a crystalline structure. Inspired by the geometry from the crystalline growth the lattice structure provides sanctuary and calm in a sea of dust and at night mesmerising myriads of stepped lights will illuminate the playa.271117 render night.jpgThe proposed installation will be formed of a mixture of 2 x 4 timber with CNC curved plywood pieces incorporated into the structure. Each 2 x 4 will have a joint or a pocket in order for it to slot into and support the weight of the neighbouring beam or column. The project will appear out of the sand as an elegant stepped fractal structure which gives the proposal an ecclesiastical ambiance.

231117 close up night

The intertwined stepped lattice timber elements form congregation and celebratory spaces, whilst capturing special views of the playa. The stepped elements promote Burners to climb and crawl between the spaces created by the overlapped timbers. At night when you ascend through the individual spaces the lights will constantly change and oscillate. With the lights constantly changing and staggering further through the elements the stepped structure will be enhanced.  The project aims to play with the burners’ perception of depth where the lattice stepped geometry is staggered and rotated. At night this perception is further confused by  the LED coloured strips oscillating along the staggered stepped beams and columns. The burners can seek sanctuary in a space in which dimensionality and form is confused and adapted.

271117 renderday






This project is a physical exploration of anamorphosis in three dimensions centred around the theme of duality. It aims to combine two widely recognisable figures into a pavilion that will attract burners, provoke debate, and catalyse interaction.

Duality DayThe theme of this project arose from the realisation that even the most widely recognisable symbols contain multiple layers of meaning and mystery.  Social, historical and sometimes even spiritual contexts give a symbol its perceived meaning. For example, while the Christian cross is a symbol of hope it is literally a scaled representation of an ancient torture device – an icon synonymous with good carries with it a darker elucidation. This interpretation led to the emergence of duality as a topic and a title. 
There are many symbols which have multiple meanings and nuances to those who interpret them.

pages-for-blog-re-systemI began by looking at the Ankh, the Egyptian symbol for life/fertility. The Loop of the Ankh represents the feminine discipline or the womb, while the elongated section represent the masculine discipline or the penis. These two sacred units then come together and form life. This is a perfect representation of man and woman in perfect union. I then was led to study the symbol for mercury, which is used in botany to indicate a flower with both male and female reproductive organs.

This duality of meaning in symbols led me to the desire to study how I could physically combine other symbols and forms to create one form. Anamorphosis, from the Greek anamorphōsis meaning ‘transformation,’ from ana- ‘back, again’ + morphosis ‘a shaping’, became an interesting opportunity to do just this.




I want to explore this theme using the iconic faces of Donald Trump and Kim Kardashian as instigators. From a random vantage point or even from up close, the subject matter of the piece is evidently unclear, the image changes until the viewer arrives at a specific pre-set location, only then does the likeness reveal itself. This echoes our warped perception of figures in limelight; anything the media choose to present to the world is an engineered production and if taken out of its context it becomes incomprehensible. My aim is to stir ambivalence among the burners, for them to engage in discussion with one another about these two incredibly famous personalities and what they seemingly represent.

As a physical entity, the sculpture is purposefully made durable enough to be able to endure the brunt of any elicited reactions. Its exposed surfaces are smooth, an open invitation to graffiti, carve or deface in any manner possible. It is large enough to climb and to gather within as a group – it only takes a spontaneous suggestion from a creative festival goer to give the sculpture another unforeseen use.

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The aim of my proposed sculpture is to provoke an exchange of opinions and interactions between burners. It depicts two iconic and highly controversial public figures who personify two tremendously important issues that we as a society face today; political and social change.

As festival goers approach the installation, and the two widely recognisable faces reveal themselves, comments about the likenesses will spiral inevitably highlighting or at least touching upon the shift that these two personalities represent.

The sculpture’s physical form comprises of several spatial elements that lend themselves to fostering the kind of debates that I wished to promote. The hollow centre creates an enclosure, to enable hosting or housing for a meeting, it gives its participants a sense of protection; this is an open forum, please take part. The raised base on the peripheries can act as stages or podia. The expansive smooth external surfaces can act as billboards or banners, the skin of the sculpture will bear the physical outcome of the issues discussed here.

Whether people get photographed with it, or whether they deface, damage or even burn it to the ground, I will have succeeded if among any of the interactions the agenda was heard and a heartfelt reaction was made.


The sculpture will be made of 8mm CNC routed plywood sheets fixed to a heavy plywood formwork. Standing at 6m tall, one side will represent a 25:1 scale stencilled portrait of president-elect Donald Trump, the other side; the likeness of reality television personality and socialite Kim Kardashian. Much like the oblique anamorphosis incorporated in Holbien’s The Ambassadors, the sculpture’s subject matters will reveal themselves only from some 60m away, but from close up, the installation will seem like a mass of abstract wooden extrusions, something suggestive of an adult-sized climbing frame. Fluorescent LEDs recessed into junctions of the outer plywood skin layer will illuminate the piece at night.


The pavilion achieves the incredible feat of allowing the viewer to have a personal and intimate connection with it whilst also allowing for reflection. The two images are intended to bring moments of delight to viewers to allow for interaction even from a distance.

Combined with its symbolic and evocative power, it should indeed conjure a deeper sense of place and self, and bring a subtlety and complexity to what might have been just another pavilion.