Gender Difference

As part of international woman’s day I’m exploring differences between males and females in relation to the built environment in order to inform my final project. It only takes two minutes to complete and will directly influence the design progression.

Some examples of questions found in the survey can be found below:


material preferencetimber shapes proximity

Many Thanks

Image : Jan Gehl, How to Study Public Life,

Thin Film Interference

This is the very firs experiment I did in DS10, October 2012. Even if I was unable to find an architectural application, i still find the interference colour patterns to be beautiful images, so I’m posting them here, hoping they will inspire someone else.

Thin-film interference occurs when incident light waves reflected by the upper and lower boundaries of a thin film interfere with one another to form a new wave. Check out the wikepedia article:

Thin Film Interference Pattern

Thin Film Interference Pattern

Thin Film Interference Pattern

Thin Film Interference Pattern

Thin Film Interference Pattern

Thin Film Interference Pattern

Thin Film Interference Pattern

Thin Film Interference Pattern

Thin Film Interference Pattern

Thin Film Interference Pattern

Thin Film Interference Pattern

Thin Film Interference Pattern

25/04/13 Tutorials

We are back from a month long break. Great tutorial last Thursday. Students are developping their temples which range from a temple to infinity all the way to aa temple for bees. Here are couple pictures of the work. Beautiful!

William Garforth Bless' ceramics tests for his temple for Water
William Garforth Bless’ ceramics tests for his temple for Water
Andrei Jippa's Temple to infinity script to intersect meshes.
Andrei Jippa’s Temple to infinity script to intersect meshes.
2013-04-25 14.23.39
Marilu Valente is creating a temple to the bio-economy using a mix of potato starch based bio-plastic and plaster.
2013-04-25 14.32.26
Marilu finding new ways to use her bio-plastic in a wall component.
Mike's new reciprocal structure prototype, here is aa small paper model of it.
Mike’s new reciprocal structure prototype, here is aa small paper model of it.
Jessica Beagleman's Selfridges pop-up roof structure made of tied plywood components.
Jessica Beagleman’s Selfridges pop-up roof structure made of tied plywood components.

(bio)Plastic Morphologies

bioplastic r

What if Bioplastic could be used as a green construction material ?

Plastic can acquire any shape you give it.

But what about the natural behaviour of the viscous material?

Experiments consisting in elongating the viscous material can reveal an interesting form configuration that has inherent structural properties.

The rules defining the the material configuration are then coded into a script that enables to digitally replicate the shape. The structural performace of the shape opens the opportunity for many applications.

A bridge is imagined following the same formal configuration.

Wax Structures

These images show the results of some recent experiments using wax and water.
To achieve the structures I filled a container with hot melted wax, weighted it so it would sink, then dropped it into a larger container full of cold tap water (approx 10 degrees)
Due to the lower density of the wax it rises to the surface of the water, and in doing so exposes an increasing surface area to the water allowing it to cool and solidify on its way up.
This technique has resulted in some exciting organic flowing structures which I hope to analyse further and develop more architecturally.

DS10 Pin-up 1

Below is a slideshow of our first Pin-Up (6th October 2011). Students mainly looked at two experiments from either Frei Otto or Buckminster Fuller in both digital and analogue ways. Next step: Re-visiting these experiments with your own techinques and ideas, keep up the good work DS10 !

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 Above: Jack Munro doing some magic with sand and holes in a box (inspired by Frei Otto) 

 Above: Results – Almost immediate formation of cells from the sand falling through the holes

Above: Carolyne Butler showing her first experiment based on Frei Otto’s wet wool threads system.

 Above: Chris Ingram‘s nicely formatted Portfolio  

 Above: Nice little model of branching threads by  Chris Mount