Jake Alsop

Jake Alsop graduated with a BA(Hons) in Architecture from Newcastle University in 2010.

His final design project studied the urban ecologies within Gateshead, looking to use art as a creative medium to explore the complexities of science in nature. The Centre allowed the community to learn in an interactive way about their local environment and the issues of resource scarcity, striving to marry the city and nature.  As well his enthusiasm for sustainability, he has a strong interest in music and its ability to stimulate the senses through time and space.  His dissertation drew on the concept of music as a method for humanising architecture, with particular interest in the work of composer and music theorist Iannis Xenakis.

Since graduating he has spent a year working as an architectural assistant for Terry Farrell & Partners in the London office. In this time he has worked on high-profile projects including Bicester Eco Town, which has recently received outlined planning for the first phase of a wider Masterplan. The work involved developing housing typologies, establishing green infrastructure, achieving carbon neutrality, encouraging modal shift, and in doing so working towards an holistic approach to sustainability.  His work on a visionary Masterplan for Holborn in Central London, aimed to improve public realm, civic legibility and re-establish a strong sense on place.

Choosing DS10 will provide an opportunity to continue fuelling a passion for intelligent sustainable structures, experimenting with physical models, enhancing his digital repertoire, and the chance to research more specific topics such as Permaculture and other self-sufficient natural systems.

Outside architecture he is a keen photographer, drummer and skier.

visit jacobalsop.com for more info

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