1st May 2014 Tutorials

Our studio is back after a month of holidays. Here are couple pictures from our tutorials today. Impressive progress from our students including a 3D printed potato-based fractal civilization (Andrei Jipa), a series of recursive bamboo structures for the Durga Puja festival (Dhiren Patel), an origami roof for the fashion week (Charlotte Yates), a spiky eco-retreat to meet the Sami people (Natasha Coutts), a temple for the Burning Man festival made of reciprocal plywood components (Joe Leach), a hypar tower for the Damyang Bamboo festival (William Garforth-Bless), a Pop-Up book drop pavilion (Ieva Ciocyte), a surreal Dali Museum in the Park (Lorna Jackson), a promenade concert in Hyde Park (Sarah Shuttleworth) and many more… We are so excited by the diversity of projects this year and the clear continuity between our brief2A and brief2B. Looking forward to the final crit on Thursday 15th May!

Andrei Jippa's Fractal 3D Printed Potato Civilization
Andrei Jipa’s Fractal 3D Printed Potato Civilization
Andrei Jippa's Fractal 3D Printed Potato Civilization
Andrei Jipa’s Fractal 3D Printed Potato Civilization
Andrei Jippa's Fractal 3D Printed Potato Civilization
Andrei Jipa’s Fractal 3D Printed Potato Civilization
Joe Leach's Burning Seed Temple for Burning Man
Joe Leach’s Burning Seed Temple for Burning Man
Joe Leach's Burning Seed Temple for Burning Man
Joe Leach’s Burning Seed Temple for Burning Man
Joe Leach's Burning Seed Temple for Burning Man
Joe Leach’s Burning Seed Temple for Burning Man
Ieva Ciocyte's Pop-Up Book drop Project
Ieva Ciocyte’s Pop-Up Book drop Project
Ieva Ciocyte's Pop-Up Book drop Project
Ieva Ciocyte’s Pop-Up Book drop Project
Lorna Jackson Dali Museum Latex Concrete Casting
Lorna Jackson Dali Museum Latex Concrete Casting
Lorna Jackson Dali Museum Latex Concrete Casting
Lorna Jackson Dali Museum Latex Concrete Casting
Dhiren Patels Recursive Bamboo Structures for Durga Puja
Dhiren Patels Recursive Bamboo Structures for Durga Puja
Natasha Coutts Sami Eco-Retreat
Natasha Coutts Sami Eco-Retreat
Natasha Coutts Sami Eco-Retreat
Natasha Coutts Sami Eco-Retreat
Natasha Coutts Sami Eco-Retreat
Natasha Coutts Sami Eco-Retreat
Charlotte Yates Fashion Week Recursive Origami Pavilion
Charlotte Yates Fashion Week Recursive Origami Pavilion
Charlotte Yates Fashion Week Recursive Origami Pavilion
Charlotte Yates Fashion Week Recursive Origami Pavilion
Sarah Shuttleworth promenade concert in Hyde Park
Sarah Shuttleworth promenade concert in Hyde Park
William Garforth-Bless Damyang Bamboo Festival Tower
William Garforth-Bless Damyang Bamboo Festival Tower