Psychedelic Sanatorium

Spiritual healing and air filtration in one. A psilocybin farm, and research centre for alternative healthcare. The core links between psilocybin and mental health are the psychedelic properties which increase human connectivity to nature, while nature is proven to be the original remedy for mental wellbeing. The project enhances this connection by providing a mushroom ecosystem with the creation of a microclimate from natural larch logs. The same structural logic is used for breathing pods, filtering air through the use of moss, enhancing the spiritual healing properties.

The Breathing Pods

The breathing pods are bio-machines focused on creating a natural solution to the issue of pollution within large cities. Continuing the aim of City Tree walls placed around London: the pods offer an architectural and natural rendition inspired by AI generated Midjourney images. A single pod is a semi-enclosed space created from structural wooden logs placed in a circular motion: depending on one another to hold themselves up. Moss growth in its natural habitat and wind velocity created through the gaps within the logs make 1 breathing pod equal to the air filtration of up to 600 urban trees during high wind levels.