
Some very helpful links for Grasshopper:

Danny Boyes’s explaination of the Path Mapper and Lists 

Pattern Redux, a blog full of simple examples for Grasshopper 

-Nathan Miller’s use of Database with Slingshot on his blog The proving Ground 

-Some nice Grasshopper experiments from Morphocode 

-Digital Toolbox for Grasshopper tutorials


Brief 2011-2013

Below are links to PDF pages explaining our 2011-2012 brief in chronological order:

18/01/2012: BRIEF03: REALISE

(Students will adapt and confront their Burning Man proposals to broader contemporary issues. They will look at the impact of the Internet on physical spaces and might choose to design a networked headquarters/manufacturing facility for a global company or charity)

01/11/2011: BRIEF02: BURN 

(Students will implement their digital and analogue studies on Frei Otto and Buckminster Fuller  in a building for the Burning Man Festival)

30/09/2011: BRIEF01: LEARN

26/09/2011: “Unit Presentation Slideshow”

(10 minutes power point presentation to student for unit selection)

20/09/2011 : “DS10 A4 Page”

(given to the students prior to the Unit Selection)

Above: Facebook’ s new Server Farm in Lulea, Sweden

 Above: IKONOS satellite image of the Burning Man festival

Richard Buckminster Fuller with the Dymaxion Car and the Fly Eyes Dome © Courtesy Buckminster Fuller Institute© Frei Otto, Apparatus for computing minimal path systems, Institute for Lightweight Structures (ILEK), Stuttgart, 1988