The Regent Street Windows Project 2013

A big THANK YOU to all the DS10 students (past and present) that helped installing the MAGIC GARDEN for the Regent Street Windows project 2013 at the Karen Millen store!

>> You can now vote online on the Building Design blog for your favourite window.

>> You can also vote on Facebook

Here are some pictures of the installation night:

Arthur Mamou-Mani sitting with Jack Munro Discussing the Karen Millen Project photo by AgneseSanvito
Arthur Mamou-Mani sitting with Jack Munro Discussing the Karen Millen Project photo by AgneseSanvito
The first part of the Karen Millen installation by Mamou-Mani Photo by AgneseSanvito
The first part of the Karen Millen installation by Mamou-Mani Photo by AgneseSanvito
"The Shell" One of my favourite part of the project at the very end of Prince's Street.
“The Shell” One of my favourite part of the project at the very end of Prince’s Street.
Jessica Beagleman, Andrei Jippa, Saraj Shuttleworth and Savvas Havatzias helping to set-up "the sky"
Jessica Beagleman, Andrei Jippa, Saraj Shuttleworth and Savvas Havatzias helping to set-up “the sky”
Andrei Jippa, Michael Clarke, Christopher Mount, Jack Munro, Jacob Alsop setting up the main "gate" at the Karen Millen Store
Andrei Jippa, Michael Clarke, Christopher Mount, Jack Munro, Jacob Alsop setting up the main “gate” at the Karen Millen Store
Andrei Jippa stuck in a strange fabric animal
Andrei Jippa stuck in a strange fabric animal


‘Shipwreck’; a plywood pavilion beached upon the sands of the Black Rock Desert by the retreating Quinn River. A standing edifice of the primal force of the elements, abandoned in a remote location with a lost past, with stories to tell. A site of exploration and discovery, slowly a microcosm is born with the wreck as its host. Gone are the fanciful images of trunks of gold and silver, the rewards of this stranded vessel are immaterial. A habitat that can support life; create a new history and purpose for itself, offering those whom choose to accept it a place of calm and rest as it diffuses the currents of the prevailing winds that pound it and provides shelter from the intensity of the sun’s rays. Interactive on several levels, ‘Shipwreck’ stands as a piece of event architecture; a spatial construct where movement around it is transformational. Whilst it offers a temporary reprieve from the elements, it is ultimately a place to gather, encouraging intimate social interaction between new and old friends.

Day Render

Night Render

Visually, the main structure is composed of two concave forms – the cave (of the earth) and the hammock (of the sky), each serving a different purpose. Whilst this duality offers a counterpoint between earth and sky, the pavilion remains one structure, one visual entity. It stands somewhere between the realms of both sculpture and architecture – a spatial construct where movement through, and around, it is transformational and social gathering is encouraged, resulting in intimate social interaction.


The principal structure is composed of multiple steam bent plywood strips, each perforated with a predetermined pattern of circular holes composed in a wave formation. The perforations serve to allow patterns to be cast on the playa floor, both throughout the day as the sun tracks around the pavilion and at night when the structure is illuminated. The guy wires offered a further design opportunity to incorporate a sail, an additional reference to the shipwreck concept. The fabric sail would provide shade and a degree of protection from the prevailing winds to those occupying the hammock structure.

Physical Model 1:2Physical Model 1:2

Physical Model 1:2

Physical Model 1:2

During the festival, I propose two different, independent lighting systems, both using battery powered LEDs. The first echoes the shipwreck narrative of the proposal, using two ships lanterns, illuminated using yellow hue LEDs. The lanterns would be easily detachable during strong winds. The second system would use an array of multicoloured LED uplighters, illuminating the cave with an underwater wash of blue/green light and the hammock a glow inspired by the colours of a sunset.

LED Array


Technical Drawings

Technical Drawings

17th January Pin-Up

Great to be back! Here are some pictures of our pin-up. Students have 5 more days to go before their interim portfolio submission and seven days before submitting their Burning Man and Wikihouse proposals. Then we will move on to brief03: Temple. Very excited about the projects! Thank you very much to Nick Ierodiaconou and Alastair Parvin  creators of the Wikihouse from 00:/ Architects for their very insightful comments.

130117_Pin-Up_15Above: Dan Dodds and Phil Hurrell swinging on a “collaborative” harmonograph.

130117_Pin-Up_20Above: Michael Clarke showing his reciprocal Wikihouse in frontof Nick and Alastair

130117_Pin-Up_1Above: Jessica Beagelman‘s loops taking shape.

130117_Pin-Up_2Above: Our mad unit space, filled with large models done at Grymsdyke farm.

2012-2013 DS10 Unit trip to Zurich and Lausanne

Below is our schedule and some pictures from DS10′s Unit Trip to Switzerland which took place from the 15th until the 18th November 2012. We would like to thank all the following people for their generosity.

-Thursday 15th: Visit of the ETH University’s CAAD groups. Presentations by Michael Hansmeyer and Benjamin Dillenberger, Ammar Mirjan of DFAB (Gramazio and Kolher) and Philippe Block of the Block Research Group. Party at Gonzo Club in Langstrasse.

– Friday 16th: Walk through the city and SPA day at the Thermalbald & Spa Zurich in the former Hürlimann Brewery designed by Althammer Hochuli.

-Saturday 17th:  Early train to Lausanne. Visit of the EPFL university Laboratory for Timber Constructions – IBOIS.  Presentations by Markus Hudert and Christopher Robeller.  Visit of the EPFL campus and workshops with Mitch Heynick.  Visit to the Rolex Learning Centre by SANAA.

Pictures by Dan Dodds, Luka Kreze, Phil Hurrel, Jake Alsop and Arthur Mamou-Mani.

Above: Presentation by Philippe Block of the Block Research Group

Above: MLK Jr. Park Stone Vault, Austin, TX, USA Project by the Block Research Group

Above: Ammar Mirjan of DFAB (Gramazio and Kolher) showing us the robotic facility

Above: Ammar Mirjan of DFAB (Gramazio and Kolher) showing us a brickwall assembled by a robotic arm.

Above: Presentation by Michael Hansmeyer and Benjamin Dillenberger

Above: Waterjet cut, Folded aluminium structure made by EPFL students.

Above: One of the IBOIS research structures with Markus Hudert

Above: Mitch Heynick showing us the Rolex Learning Centre by SANAA.

Above: Moustaches floating at the Thermalbald & Spa Zurich

Above: Emma Whitehead learning that the ETH campus is larger than expected.

Above: Freitag Recycled Shipping Container Store in Zurich


Click on an image from Gallery below to view full size.

20th October Tutorials

Below is a slideshow of our tutorials today.

Keep up the good work towards our first crit next Thursday!

It will be the end of Brief 1, Learn and beginning of Brief 2 Burn in which you will develop your research into a 1:1 functional structure for Burning Man.

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 Above: Carolyn Butlers green straws Geodesic dome with unfolded pattern

 Above: Maria Valente‘s accoustic wave surfaces through Mathematica

Above: Antony Joury‘s  weaving surfaces physical model and GH/Kangaroo model